Personalization Strategies for Holiday eCommerce Marketing

  • 31 May 2024
  • 6 Min Read

The most buzzed word during this holiday marketing season had been personalization! Feeds on seasonal personalized offers and notifications about products of interest with attractive discounts flashed on smart devices, social media platforms, and emails of consumers, and offered them tailored shopping experiences. Those eCommerce retailers who had embraced technology in time for customer-centric holiday marketing strategy have registered better revenue margins.

The personalized marketing campaign captures customer behavior and their expectations. The insights obtained help in designing and sending individualized prompts to consumers which achieves three things for a retailer—

  • Captures consumer interest
  • Builds consumer trust
  • Increases sales

During festive times, the general attitude of customers is restlessness. Last-minute purchases, anxiously surveying for gifts, and other holiday requirements are quite common. Shuttling between work, inclement weather conditions, festivity, and home becomes a task for several. At these times, e-commerce retailers with their unique festive personalization can shine, capture the market, and boost sales.

5 Reasons for a Personalized Holiday Marketing Campaign

Holiday shopping is the time when consumers go for sprint shopping at the last minute as they wait for bigger discounts or offers. Retailers can offer personalized discounts for holidays based on target consumers’ past searches and interests. A well-designed effective holiday marketing campaign pumps sales and customer relationships. For better cognizance of its significance, let’s scroll through the reasons behind personalized holiday marketing—

  • Brand Awareness—Personalized messages through seasonal email campaigns, increase brand awareness and improve brand recall.
  • Edge Over Competitors—When brand recall is high, target consumers tend to come back and there are repeat purchases plus improved sales.
  • Stock Clearance—Old inventory can be cleared with targeted seasonal promotions. Several customers wait for last-minute sales, with insights into customer behavior, and specified personal messages such as “We have seen you looking for a blue dress, here are a few options for you based on your past searches. Hope you enjoy the new look”. Such targeted promotions can be quite fruitful.
  • Increases Customer Loyalty—Consumers get really impressed and feel committed to brands that show a personal touch through their email campaigns or by sending personalized campaigns on social media.
  • Launch of New Stocks—Personalized holiday messages on preview of new launches for the festive season, increase sales.

Effective Personalization Strategies for Holiday Marketing Campaigns

  • Adaptive Holiday Advertisements: The unprecedented purchasing pattern of customers can be matched by tweaking the feel and look of the website to sync with the flavor of the season. As adding a little Santa cap to the logo or a dash of color without actually altering the design of the brand logo or any form of embellishment signifying the mood of the holiday. It enhances the spirit of the shoppers.
  • Targeted Seasonal Promotions: A customized message with a personal note can be sent to consumers who have shown interest in products similar to a retailer. A personalized note during festive times announcing discounts makes customers feel important and valued.
  • Holiday Gifting Personalization: Holidays are the time for gifting. Personalized messages on gifting ideas can make it easy for customers looking for gifts, by clubbing products as gifts to help in quick and convenient shopping.
  • Automated Seasonal Email Campaigns: Initiating automated email sequencing is a great way to attract and inform both new and old customers. The sequence can be started with a welcome note and then move to announce new launches, offers, gifting ideas, and be more specific as insight into the behavior pattern is identified.
  • Tailor-Made Holiday Shopping: The bespoke holiday shopping experience makes consumers feel privileged. Tips on how to use a product or how to celebrate festivity within budget with maximum merriment or something that is closer to the heart of the consumer make each consumer feel special.

Personalized holiday campaigns work as enhancers and promote brand awareness among the target consumers. It creates goodwill, ensures repeat customers, promises more consumers, and escalates revenue through increased volume of sales.

How does AI Promote Personalized Marketing?

Personalized marketing campaigns cannot be attained in a day or a month. It is a continuous process initiated by the syncing of supply chain operations. Automation and AI allow the collection of data and provide analytics on prospects that can be converted into potential buyers and how to retain already existent customers by showing the ‘we care, you matter to us’ feeling. eCommerce retailers such as Walmart, Amazon, and Target use Generative AI to reach out to customers based on their preferences, interest, budget, and time.

AI-driven personalized Marketing reduces manual work and expedites the process of reaching out to consumers in real time with a personalized message on how to find the right product or what offers or discounts can be availed. The data obtained during the process of interaction further crystalizes the tone and content of the messages sent for closing the purchase and providing the best shopping experience to the customer.

Data-driven holiday personalization allows tailor-made holiday shopping. Say, a travel company can benefit if there is enough information about a customer’s interest in flying to a warmer destination with family for Christmas. A customized promotional email can be sent to the target with hotel deals, flight rates, and other specific information crafted especially to suit the customer.

Advatix Cloudsuite™ Automates the System for Personalized Marketing Campaigns

The holiday season is the time to revoke old sloth marketing strategies and adopt customer-centric holiday marketing campaigns to strengthen the customer base and boost revenue. Advatix Cloudsuite™ automates the entire supply chain management for data-driven holiday personalization. Real-time insights on inventories, logistics, and shipping demands, warehouses, multiple sales points, and other integrated operations provide data to support personalized promotions, product recommendations, and marketing automation.

You have missed this season; it is just the right time to automate the system for the next holiday season.